Compare Dr Cash vs iBuyers

Compare Dr Cash with the new iBuyers (automated online buyers). Their primary appeal is convenience but it is somewhat of an illusion. A home seller may receive a quick online offer but a representative will still have to visit and inspect the home. Be prepared for “adjustments” to any offer from an online iBuyer because an online form simply cannot account for all of the potential necessary repairs in the major and minor systems of a house. The major systems include the foundation, roof, HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems.

Compare Dr Cash iBuyers
Fees/Commissions None up to 13% – somebody has to pay for their nationwide advertising and that is YOU
Phone Support Personal Service Good Luck with that Automated System and Automated Voice Mail
Cash Offer Yes Depends, Maybe Yes – but subject to “re-negotiation” – which often happens with their estimates of repairs that the home owner must pay
Days to Closing* 5 – 30 Good Luck with that Automated System
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Compare Dr Cash vs Realtors

Compare Dr Cash Home Buyers with traditional realtors. The difference is obvious – NO fees, NO repairs, NO loan approvals, NO hassles and a FAST closing. The “secret ingredient” is that we buy with 100% cash. Below are some of the advantages of selling your home to a real estate investor such as Dr Cash.

Compare Dr Cash Realtor
Fees/Commissions None 6% – paid by home seller
Required Repair Expenses None Seller Responsibility – usually $5000 – $30,000
Inspection Required None Yes
Lender Approval for Buyer None Buyers frequently can NOT qualify for a Home Loan
Days on Market* 1 1 – 365
Number of Showings* 1 (from Dr Cash) 5 – 20 showings
Days to Closing* 5 – 30 30 – 90 (inspection, survey, financing)
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There are NO Fees or Commissions when you sell to Dr Cash because we are real estate investors. If you work with a realtor you usually must pay him/her 6% of the selling price of the house plus you are locked into a contract of three to six months.

Required Repair Expenses

Cash house buyers do not need any lender approval to finalize a sales transaction.NO Repairs Required. We assume the responsibility for all repairs. When selling through a realtor you usually have to improve your home to a “good” or “excellent” physical condition because potential buyers do NOT want to make repairs after they purchase. Plus once you have a sales contract the buyer will hire a home inspector to inspect every inch of your home. They always find defects and you, the seller, will usually have to reduce your selling price to account for these “new” repair items.

NO Inspection Required

All lending institutions will require a home inspection. Even if a buyer does not borrow money they will almost always hire an independent home inspector for their peace of mind.

NO Lender Approval for Buyer

Lender approvals, or the lack of approvals, from banks and other mortgage lenders are the leading cause of “deal death.” If they refuse to lend the home buyer money for the home purchase then the transaction suffers a quick death. Then the home seller must find another buyer and repeat the process. Anyone who has lived through this before knows what a major hassle it can be. When the seller has a cash house buyer (Dr Cash) there is no need to borrow money from a lender.

Days on Market

If you want to see the DOA or Days on Market in your city then just review the local MLS (Multiple Listing Service). It will list all of the houses that are under contract with realtors and how long they have been on the market.

Number of Showing

If you have ever sold a house before then you know all about showings. Realtors call and bring over strangers to inspect your house. Sometimes your house may sell after a few showing and sometimes it may take 20 or more. Not much fun.

Days to Closing

With a Cash Offer we can close as fast as the real estate title company in your area. Keep in mind that the title company has to do their research on the property before they are willing to guarantee clear title and issue a title policy (insurance against title defects). The best cases are closing that require less than a week. But a two week period is more common.

NO Hassles

No Hassles. Smooth sailing. Easy Closing. No Repairs. Compare Dr Cash with Realtors or iBuyers. Did we say NO Hassles?