Report Mortgage Fraud

Anyone can report mortgage fraud, other fraud, waste, or gross mismanagement of operations at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). There is a process for reporting and the reporter can request confidentiality. The Office of Investigation (OIG) is part of HUD and is responsible for law enforcement at the department.

Fraud reports can be made by telephone or via an online form. Details are very important and the more details the better. The most important details to include in any report are 1) the amount of money, 2) a summary or description of the alleged fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement, 3) how you became aware of these facts, 4) length of time of the alleged fraud, and 5) how did the violator attempt to hide the misdeeds. Basically, investigations want to know the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

The Reason Homeowners Keep Paying Their Mortgage on Underwater Homes

Violations That Should Be Reported

Anyone can report mortgage fraud, theft, waste, abuse or gross mismanagement at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

  • Theft
  • Bribery
  • Violation of Federal Laws / Regulations
  • Abuse of Authority
  • Abuse of Property
  • Housing Subsidy Fraud
  • Ethics Violations
  • Dangerous Situations
  • Contract or Procurement Irregularities
  • Employee Misconduct
  • Mortgage Fraud or Other Fraud

Contact Information

The online form can be accessed by clicking the following link:

Their email address is

The HUD OIG hotline for reporting fraud is 800-347-3735

The HUD main customer service number is 202-708-1112

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